Who Should Take Online Tai Chi Classes?

While online tai chi classes are truly beneficial for all ages and skill levels, they are especially helpful for seniors or those with chronic health conditions, as the movements are slow and low-impact. 

Additionally, anyone who is looking to increase their flexibility, strength, and balance could benefit from online tai chi classes. The online classes are a great tool for serious students to revisit material covered in the in-person classes and everyone is welcome to join our community on Patreon especially if you live too far from where my classes are taught you can join us from your own home.

Learn beautiful flowing movements for Health and Relaxation - now from home 

With our Online Membership Club, you'll be able to access weekly bite size classes to learn the full 116 Movement Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi Form as it was taught to me by my teacher. 

There's also videos to learn various types of Qigong Exercises, Mindful Meditation Workshops and Tai Chi Weapons Forms. 

There's also instruction manuals and articles alongside the video and online class material. 

The Membership Club is perfect for complete beginners or for existing class members to wish to refine and practice more alongside my weekly sessions. You can learn, understand and improve your Tai Chi with this great tool.

With subscriptions starting at £5 per month, this is a great tool to use either individually or alongside the weekly classes. 

The membership club is a monthly subscription service you can subscribe to, it's hosted by Patreon. There's no minimum contract you can sign up and leave whenever you like. 

The membership club is a monthly subscription service you can subscribe to, it's hosted by Patreon. There's no minimum contract you can sign up and leave whenever you like. 

With Patreon you can get your hands on lots of great loyalty rewards. 

You can join the membership club by following the below link.

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"Learn Beautiful, flowing movements for Health and Relaxation"

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